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single bus中文是什么意思

用"single bus"造句"single bus"怎么读"single bus" in a sentence


  • 单车,单机车
  • 单总线


  • Development of calorimeter based on single bus
  • Study of single bus priority signal planning under the mixed traffic flow
  • For most development activity , you will create and assign a single bus member to the bus
  • Applications act as if they are interacting with a single bus entity when , in fact , the bus may be distributed on many processors and machines , which provides scalability more on that later
    事实上如果当总线可能是分布在许多处理器和机器上时,应用程序与提供了可伸缩性的单总线实体进行交互(稍后将进行更详细的讨论) 。
  • Furthermore , it is very important that improve the autoimmunization of substation without watch - keeper . in the design of substation , we predigest main wiring with a minitype base and adopt simple wire - connection : dule t type is used in 66kv side , segmented single bus - bar with hospital bus - bar is used in l0kv for major load
    在该无人值班变电所的设计中,以小型化模式为基础,简化主接线: 66kv侧采用双t接线方式,正常时双线双变压器分列运行; 10kv侧由于馈电线路较多,负荷较为重要,因此采用单母线分段带旁路接线方式。
用"single bus"造句  


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